MyExamPapers UK

Wetherby Senior School, London


School Name: Wetherby Senior School, London
Description: Boys
Acceptance Ages: 11+ and 13+


  • Admissions Contact:

    • Telephone: 020 7535 3530
    • Email:
  • Total Number of Students in School: 1060
  • Number of Places available:

    • 40 places for entry at 11+
    • 45-50 places for entry at 13+
  • Open Days:

    • virtual Visitor Mornings:
      • Monday, 9th of November 2020, 9.00 – 9.30
      • Wednesday, 18th of November 2020, 9.00 – 9.30
      • Monday, 23rd of November 2020, 9.00 – 9.30
    • To attend these events, You need to register on the school website.
  • Closing Date for 11+ Registration: The closing date for registration is Monday, 1st of December 2020.
  • Closing Date for 13+ 2023 Entry Registration: The closing date for registration is Friday, 16th of October 2020
  • Exam Provider: Independent Schools’ Examination Board’s (ISEB) Common pre-test
  • ISI Report: ISI Report | Wetherby Senior School, London

Wetherby Senior School 11+ Exam Dates

  • Candidates can sit the ISEB test at their current school and school request that it is completed by Friday, 18th of December 2020.
  • For candidates who are unable to sit the ISEB test in their own school only school will host candidates on two dates: Monday, 14th of December 2020 and the original exam date of Monday, 4th of January 2021.
  • ISEB Common Pre-Test access codes will be sent to your son’s current school over the next few weeks.
  • Should your son require a hosted test, please contact School Registrar, Ms Kathryn Easthope ( by Tuesday, 1st of December 2020 to arrange an assessment time.
  • The interviews will take place as planned on Saturday, 16th of January 2020 and further information will be issued in early January.
  • Offer letters posted: Wednesday, 10th of February, 2021
  • Deadline for all responses: Friday, 5th of March, 2021

Wetherby Senior School 11+ Exam Styles

Every applicant for Wetherby Senior School 11+ entry in September 2021 will be required to take the ISEB Common Pre-Test. A respected and widely used online examination for children moving from primary or prep schools to selective secondary schools. The test examines the English and Mathematics content covered in the National Curriculum up to the end of Year 5 as well as verbal and non-verbal reasoning.

Wetherby Senior School 13+ Exam Dates

  • Deadline for receipt of applications (and all Learning Support documentation): Friday, 16th of October, 2020
  • ISEB Common Pre-Test taken at current school: November 2020 (TBC)
  • Parents and Schools advised of outcome of Common Pre-Test: Mid-December 2020 (TBC)
  • Interviews for selected candidates. Parents and schools advised of the outcome within three weeks: March 2021 (TBC)
  • Deadline for acceptance of a place with deposit paid: June 2022 (TBC)
  • Occasional Place Assessment for candidates who did not progress past the Pre-Test initially and for new applicants who did not previously take the Pre-Test: September 2022 (TBC)
  • Deadline for acceptance of Occasional Place Assessment places: October 2022 (TBC)

Wetherby Senior School 13+ Exam Styles

  • 13+ Applicants are required to sit the ISEB Common Pre-Test in the Autumn Term of Year 6. Once the test results and school references have been reviewed, applicants may be invited for an interview in early February. Offers will be conditional on candidates passing Common Entrance in Year 8.
  • Transfer from Wetherby Prep School at 13+: Boys wishing to move to Wetherby Senior School from Wetherby Prep School transfer to the Senior School automatically at 13+ subject to good work and conduct. All boys sit the ISEB Common Pre-test and Common Entrance in Year 8. It is expected that they will show they are capable in the academic environment of Wetherby Senior School.

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