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School Name: Westminster Cathedral Choir School
Description: Boys Catholic day school/boarding for choristers from 8+
Acceptance Ages: 7+ and 8+


Westminster Cathedral Choir School is a Roman Catholic prep school in the heart of London’s Victoria. Majority of boys are day students that is approximately 150, it also has thirty boarding choristers who come from all over the country and board from 8+ (Year 4).

WCCS now offers a pre-prep option for boys from Reception to Year 3, creating a school of over 280 boys aged from 4 to 13.

It has obtained 22 music scholarships for boys leaving at 13+ since 2010 and has an impressive list of destination schools – see below.

The school bases its ‘modern liberal-arts curriculum’ on the three Cs: ‘curriculum’, ‘canon’ and ‘character’. Curriculum is self-explanatory, canon means that boy’s cultural literacy is at the highest level for their age; and ‘character’ strengthens on guiding boys to understand what is ‘beautiful, true and good’ in this world, to relate these concepts to the world around them and to prepare them how to think using grammar, logic and rhetoric.

The standard of music here is extraordinarily expected. Choristers are trained to the highest level. All boys are given the opportunity to learn a musical instrument, but it is not required.

Westminster Cathedral Choir School 7 Plus (7+) Admissions

There are approximately 15 places available at Westminster Cathedral Choir School for 7+ entry. Once academic expertise has been established via selective entry, preference will be given, where possible, to practising Roman Catholics.


Please click here for Westminster Cathedral’s 7+ registration form with a registration fee of £150.

Open Days/Visits

Open Days/Visit must be registered by contacting the Registrar, Miss Lucy Auger There will be a limited available date for open morning, at which you can observe classes, meet the boys, staff and headmaster.

Westminster Cathedral Choir School 7 Plus (7+) Exam Format

Assessment for Westminster Cathedral Choir School 7 plus entry will be on the same day in the January prior to entry.

The assessment consisted of four papers in total:

  • Comprehension and Composition paper for 60 minutes
  • Punctuation paper for 30 minutes
  • Spelling paper for 15 minutes
  • Mathematics paper for 45 minutes

The assessment includes oral reading and an informal talk with either the Head, Deputy Head or Registrar.

Westminster Cathedral Choir School 8 Plus (8+) Admissions

Once academic prowess has been established via selective entry, preference will be given where possible to practising Roman Catholics.


Please click here for Westminster Cathedral’s 8+ registration form.

Applicants are welcomed for registration any time prior to the first Monday of December in the prior year of entry with a registration fee of £150.

Open Days/Visits

Interested in an open day visit are required for registration by contacting the Registrar, Miss Lucy Auger The School published dates of its open mornings on their website throughout the year. The annual timetable is as follows.

Day boys have three weekday open mornings in the Michaelmas Term (September – December), two in the Lent Term (January – March) and one in the Trinity (April – July) term.

Choristers: one Saturday open morning in the Lent Term.

Westminster Cathedral Choir School 8 Plus (8+) Exam Format

The entry assessment for Westminster Cathedral Choir School 8+ will be on the same day in the January of the year of entry.

Five elements of the admission process:

  • academic and additional musical assessment for chorister applications,
  • boarding assessments for all chorister applicants
  • interviews for boys
  • academic, character and musical references (if applicable)
  • disability assessments (if applicable)

These processes apply at the main points of entry: 7+ or 8+, and also to boys for available places in other year groups (happens occasionally).

Entry assessment consist of four papers:

  • a 70-minute comprehension and composition paper (picture prompt)
  • a 30-minute punctuation paper
  • a 15-minute spelling paper
  • a 45-minute mathematics paper

The assessment includes oral reading and an informal talk with either the Head, Deputy Head or Registrar.

There are no reasoning or IQ tests.

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