MyExamPapers UK


School Name: Kingston Grammar School (KGS)
Description: Co-ed, Day School
Acceptance Ages: 10+


Kingston Grammar School is one of the most promising co-educational independent schools in the UK. Situated in the centre of Kingston upon Thames (Surrey) that has excellent train and bus links from South West London. A five-minute walk from Kingston railway station and a three-minute walk from Cromwell Road bus station.

Excellent teaching, a commitment to pastoral care and a well-earned prestige for art, music and sport (according to Malcolm Tozer ‘Physical Education and Sport in Independent Schools’, 2012, KGS ranks equal fifth in terms of Olympian alumni) makes this an all-round school in the widest sense. An urban school with extensive playing fields and a new sports centre on its Thames Ditton site.

International GCSEs, the introduction of Mandarin into its curriculum and the opportunity for pupils to do an Extended Project ensures an exciting, outward looking and ‘vibrant academic diet.’

Admissions Process for Kingston Grammar School, Year 6 entry

A 10+ deferred entry place is an opportunity for an applicant to secure an 11+ place a year early, whilst continuing their primary education at their current school.

The KGS 10+ deferred entry examination will be in early January for applicants in Year 5 for deferred entry at 11+ in September the following year. Candidates that accept a deferred entry place will not take any further examinations for entry (and will automatically be invited to sit the Academic Scholarship examination the following January).

Applicants who either reject or are not offered a deferred entry place can register again to sit the 11+ examination the following year. Their performance in the 10+ examination will not prejudice their application at 11+. However, you must remember to re-register for it is not automatic.


For more information about the updated entry deadlines, visit KGS’s website here
Click here to register.

Open Days and Visits

Open Days and Visits of Kingston Grammar School is an ideal opportunity for prospective pupils and families to visit. The departments are open for visitors and staff are available to answer questions. Schedules for their Open Events can be found by clicking here.
You must acquire an e-ticket to attend these events and a booking link is available on their website once the dates have been posted.

Group tours are for families who are seeking entry in the next academic year (you can’t visit too early!) The dates will be made available on the school’s website in the previous September.

Entrance Exams

The 10+ examination at KGS is outlined from principles of 11+ but tailored to different age groups. It is based on the National Curriculum and the in-house produced papers are appropriate for a wide range of feeder schools.

Papers consist in English (50 mins) and Mathematics (50 mins).

  • English exam – – evaluates applicant’s ability to read, understand and respond to writing; construct and convey meaning in written language; and spell and punctuate correctly in clear, legible, joined-up writing.
    The paper is in three parts, based around a passage. Section A comprises 20 multiple-choice questions; Section B is a single question requiring a detailed analytical response; and Section C is a short composition.

    • In Section A, questions range from simple understanding (information retrieval) to more difficult matters of interpretation (inference). There are likely to be questions about the meanings of words and phrases.
    • In Section B, candidates are expected to write in sentences and to use their own words.
    • In Section C, the composition is likely to be a narrative task, continuing the story of the passage or using it as stimulus material for an original piece. Emphasis is placed on accuracy in following instructions and retrieving and conveying information; spelling, grammar and punctuation; and responding with imagination, sensitivity and originality to what is read.
  • Maths exam– 10+ applicants are asked to answer questions based on any of the attainment targets up to and possibly including Level 5, though the main focus of the paper requires a thorough understanding of work up to and including Level 4. Example question areas include:
    • Add, subtract, multiply and divide a. whole numbers b. decimals c. fractions (simple fractions only)
    • Demonstrate an understanding of ordering and measuring.
    • Perform calculations involving: a. money b. time c. length d. area e.volume f. speed g. mass based largely on metric units, but including other commonly encountered units (e.g. mph).
    • Interpret statistical information presented in a variety of simple forms.

All necessary workings out should be shown.

Mathematics and English papers are age-appropriate in National Curriculum levels. Those that perform strongly in all these papers will be invited for an interview; however, not all interviewed will be offered a place.

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