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School Name: James Allen’s Girls’ School (JAGS)
Description: Girls; Day
Acceptance Ages: 11+


JAGS is the oldest independent girls’ school in Greater London, striving for academic excellence, diversity, humanity and integrity.

Sport is played to a high level and the arts ‘are woven into the fabric of JAGS’, with girls regularly performing in competitions and concerts both in London and throughout Europe. A wide extra-curricular programme is outlined for the opportunity to develop new skills, gain experience of leadership, help and support one another, and have fun.

Speaker programme is the school’s particular interest, which welcomes an impressive range of speakers who contribute much to the school’s learning. Specialists from a range of fields, including academic and professional backgrounds, spend time sharing their knowledge with girls across all year groups.

Admissions Process for James Allen’s Girls’ School (JAGS) Eleven Plus (11+) for Year 7 entry

Open Days

Complete details on open days and taster days can be found on the school’s website here. Booking in advance is unnecessary.


11+ applicants may be registered from the start of the summer term when they are in Year 5 through to 31 October when they are in Year 6.

An online registration form is available on the school’s website.

Entrance Exams

The 11+ process starts with applicants being invited to a pre-selection assessment morning in the autumn term. The aim is to seek a clearer view of an applicant’s potential, both on a one-on-one and in a group setting providing them with a taster day at JAGS and an opportunity to meet fellow applicants.

Girls are assigned into small groups to solve puzzles; given a taster lesson; and asked to complete an online test to measure verbal, non-verbal and numerical reasoning skills (age-standardised).

Applicants who performed well at the pre-assessment selection will be called back to sit papers in Mathematics for 45 minutes and English for 1 hour. Papers are based on the assumption that applicants have reached at least Level 5 of the National Curriculum in these subjects.

Table of Contents