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School Name: Bancroft’s Preparatory School
Description: Mixed Day
Acceptance Ages: 7+, and 11+


Bancroft’s Preparatory School implement a unique set of ‘3 ½ school rules’ which sums up its ethos exceptionally well:

  1. Happiness is for everyone.
  2. Respect other people and their property.
  3. Use your common sense.

½ If in doubt, ask.

Meanwhile, academically selective and challenging, it is all about balance and common sense and ensuring children are happy.

Prep School is purpose-built and has its own specialist teaching facilities housed in adjacent red brick buildings. Sports hall and swimming pool facilities are shared with the Senior School. Additional facilities in the past four years include new science, drama and DT rooms, that has greatly enhanced its provision.

Bancroft’s Prep School 7 Plus (7+) Admissions


Approximately 60 applicants will be admitted into Year 3, with approximately 180 expected to make an initial application.


Registrations are encouraged in the prior year of entry, but discouraged to apply any earlier. Registration deadline is in December.

Registration fee:

£60. A copy of the applicant’s birth certificate or passport must be sent together with the application.
A copy of the form is available here

Bancroft’s Prep School 7 Plus (7+) Exam Format

Bancroft’s uses their own written exams and 7+ applicants are invited for Preparatory School testing on two separate occasions in January of the year of proposed entry. The emphasis is on creating a relaxed environment as possible.

The tests coverage:
  • Mathematics
  • English
  • Non-verbal Reasoning

Bancroft’s School 11 Plus Admissions

Bancroft’s School Year 7 Places offered based on the performance of a competitive entrance examination and interview.

Each year, there will be approximately 450–500 applicants taking the examination and competing for around 60 places.

  • The entrance examination comprises papers in English and Mathematics in January of the year of entry. Applicants who perform well in the examination will move forward and be invited for an interview, where they will be interviewed in pairs by a member of staff.
  • Offers will be posted in February following the examination and interviews.
  • School’s complete admissions policy is available on the school’s website under the
  • information booklet for prospective parents.

How to Apply for 11 Plus Entry to Bancroft’s School

It is recommended to visit Bancroft’s School prior to registering your child for an entrance examination. Schedules for open day
will be available and published on the school’s website.

Completion of registration form and payment of a non-refundable fee of £60 (reduced if applying only for a place with a means-tested award) are necessary to be able to sit the applicant to the Bancroft’s School 11+ entrance examination. A copy of the applicant’s birth certificate must be sent along with the form and fee.

Registration closing date is at the beginning of December in the prior year of entry (while the applicant is in Year 6).

The school offers Drapers’ Scholarships, Music Scholarships and assisted places.
Applicants who apply for scholarships and/or awards only are not allowed for fee-paying places.

For further information about the application and admissions process at Bancroft’s School, please contact the Senior School Admissions Office: or 020 8506 6761.

Bancroft’s School 11 Plus Exam Format

Entrance exam for Bancroft’s School consists of three papers:

  • English Paper 1 is for 45 minutes: comprehension
  • English paper 2 is for 20 minutes, including planning time: writing
  • Mathematics is for 75 minutes: arithmetic and problem solving

Questions on the Mathematics paper will be more progressively challenging. Applicants must complete first the Section A of the paper before proceeding to the more difficult problems on the second part of the paper (Section D). This section is designed to help the school in the selection of scholarships and borderline candidates. Calculators are not allowed.

Table of Contents