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School Name: City of London School
Description: Boys; Day School
Acceptance Ages: 10+ and 11+


Positioned beside the Thames near St Paul’s Cathedral and opposite the Tate Modern, City of London School exists in the heart of London. The attractive city location paired with the school’s dynamic ethos, exemplary academic record and emphasis on independent thinking, means it fascinates ‘some of the country’s top speakers, researchers and analysts, lending freshness and vibrancy to the curriculum’. Boys are offered an ‘unparalleled insight into cutting-edge thinking’, modern day challenges and opportunities.

Applicants are welcomed from different backgrounds and the school benefits from a generous bursary scheme (for 11+ and 16+ entry – not 10+). This creative mix of talent attached to the experience. The phrase ‘generosity of spirit’ is the tagline of the school’s website with the desire to prepare children for an ever-changing world; an unpredictable world, but one in which we know resilience, tenacity and tolerance will be essential and considered as the school’s values.

Admissions Process for City of London School, Year 6 Entry

10+ entry at City of London School is ideal for ‘brilliant boys with an enthusiasm for learning’, those who may have out-grown their current school. Approximately 40-44 boys are welcomed at 10+ with around 230 applicants last year.


For the latest application details for City of London School at 10+, click here
Registration deadline is usually in November of the preceding year – but check the school’s website for the exact schedule.

Open Days

Open days for 10+ entry usually in September and October of the autumn term and should be booked in advance by clicking here
A 2-hour visit with your son is highly recommended.

Entrance Exams

All registered applicants will be invited to sit examinations in English, Mathematics and Verbal Reasoning will be in January of their Year 5.

  • English paper is for 1 hour with the combination of both comprehension (multiple-choice) and writing, where applicants are given 30 minutes on each section. (Last year the composition exercise was to continue the story from the comprehension extract.)
  • Mathematics paper is for 45 minutes which includes number, shape, space, measurement and data handling.

Successful applicants based on the written exam will be invited back for an interview, usually in late January.


The interview will last around 20 minutes allowing the school to get to know the applicant beyond the examination results. It is a two-way process and the school states that it is ‘also a useful way for him to be able to find out more about us’. Uses picture prompts as a discussion starter. Whilst no specific preparation is required for the interview, but recommends key achievements and things that an applicant would like to talk about. A mock interview can also be a useful, confidence-building exercise – please Contact us

City of London School 11 Plus Admissions

For 11+ entry into First Form (Year 7) at City of London School with age must be between 11 and 12 on 1 September of the year of entry.

The first stage of selection is an entrance exam, held in January of the year of entry, which all applicants must sit. The exam consists of papers in English, Mathematics and Reasoning.

Based on performance in the exam, successful candidates will be invited for an individual interview and a group session, which lasts over quarter of an hour. The purpose of the interview and group session is to establish each applicant’s personal attributes and interests.

A report will be requested from the head teacher of the applicant’s current school to support the selection process.

Applicants applying for a means-tested cover 50%+ of their fees are required to take an online reasoning test in December prior to the main entrance exam. Only successful applicants in this qualifying test will go on to take the main 11+ entrance exam. Click here to learn how to prepare for the City of London Bursary route online test.

A copy of the CLS Admissions Policy can be downloaded for the school’s website
For further information about admissions procedures and testing, please contact the school directly: or 020 3680 6300.

How to Apply for 11 Plus Entry to City of London School

The school hosts two open events in late September each year for prospective students and their parents. These events provide an opportunity to witness the school in operation prior to registration. Schedules are confirmed around Easter and bookings can be made via the website.

To be considered for a place in the First Form (year 7) at City of London School, parents must register their son online. Registration starts from early in the year prior to entry until mid-November with a non-refundable registration fee of £160. Exact dates are published on the school’s website once confirmed.

Details of the school’s bursary scheme can also be located on its website. Applicants for a means-tested bursary to cover 50% or more of their fees are required to take an online reasoning test in December prior to the main entrance exam.

City of London School 11 Plus Exam Format

The City of London School entrance exam consists of papers in:

  • English that last for an hour – reading comprehension (multiple-choice) and creative writing
  • Mathematics that last for an hour – arithmetic and problem solving
  • Reasoning – verbal and non-verbal reasoning