MyExamPapers UK

Mock Exams for Home Study

Help your child excel with our expertly crafted, full-length mock exams that can be completed entirely at home.

How It Works

Select the Appropriate Mock Exam

Choose the mock exam designed for a specific school and age range to ensure it matches your child’s requirements.

Complete Accurate Checkout

During checkout, enter the correct delivery and email addresses. The exam papers will be printed and posted to your specified address.

Conduct the Exam at Home

Have your child complete the papers in a quiet, distraction-free environment, adhering to the provided instructions. Any additional tasks, such as Dictation or Mental Maths, will be emailed to you separately.

Return the Completed Papers

Use the pre-paid envelope provided to post the completed papers back to us for marking.

Receive Detailed Feedback

Our experts will mark the papers and provide a comprehensive report on your child’s performance, including strengths and areas for improvement. This report, along with a scanned copy of the marked papers, will be emailed to you.

Strengths and Areas for Improvement

The comprehensive report will highlight your child’s strengths, showcasing the areas where they excel, and pinpoint specific areas for improvement to help guide future study efforts.

Available Mock Exams

Why These Mock Exams Work So Well

Expertly Crafted Exams

Our mock exams are developed with immense expertise and significant effort to create challenging and engaging papers that accurately reflect the actual assessments your child will face.

Invaluable Experience

These exams provide your child with the essential experience of sitting a timed, formal assessment, helping them improve time management skills and feel more at ease on exam day.

Detailed Performance Reports

We provide a comprehensive report detailing your child’s performance, including pass marks, peer group averages, and insightful analysis of their strengths and areas needing improvement, along with specific advice for further enhancement.


As a parent preparing my child for the 7+ exams, I found to be a lifesaver. Their range of exam papers and mock exams provided the perfect practice my child needed. Ameet provided granular entrance exam advice and interview preparation tips which were incredibly helpful. Thanks to their resources, my child felt confident and performed excellently!

Catherine 7+ Parent. Offers from SPJ, WUS & KCS

Preparing for the 11+ exams was much easier with The variety of mock exams and detailed resources helped my child prepare thoroughly. The site’s user-friendly layout made it simple to find what we needed, and the comprehensive materials boosted my child's confidence. I highly recommend it for any parent supporting their child through the 11+ process!

Yu Yi 11+ Parent. Offers from QE Boys, Westminster, Eton is an outstanding resource for students and parents alike. At Athena Tuition, I’ve seen firsthand how their extensive collection of exam papers, mock exams, and interview preparation materials can make a significant difference. Their resources are well-organised and reflect real exam conditions perfectly, providing students with the confidence and skills they need to succeed.

Nelson Lo Director of Athena Tuition

Even the all-powerful Pointing has no control about the blind texts it is an almost unorthographic life One day however a small line of blind text by the name of Lorem Ipsum decided to leave for the far World of Grammar. The Big Oxmox advised her

Shams W.Pawel Founder & CEO of XpeedStudio